21st ANNUAL SHOW & SWAP DCEMBER 7, 2024 at the Dunbar Sportsmen’s Club, W19087Airport Rd, Dunbar, 54119 (HYW 8 & Airport RD)

Everyone is welcome! Free admission for spectators! Have a vintage ATV? Bring it! Thank you to the Dunbar Sportsmen’s Club for welcoming us back for year #5! Registration begins at 7:00 AM, judging about noon and the awards ceremony at 2:00 PM. Swap spaces are $5, show sleds, $3 each ($10 max). And….FREE admission for spectators!! Come inside the club building to register your show sleds, pay membership dues, participate in bucket raffles, the award ceremony and to purchase food & beverages. The refreshments, available on site, will be provided by the Dunbar Sportsmen’s Club as a fundraiser for them. Lots of room to park, a huge swap area and space for 100+ show sleds. For additional information, visit the club’s Face Book page If you have questions or if you would like to be a show sponsor or donate items for the bucket raffle, please contact club president Pat at 715-324-6020 or email vintagepats@yahoo.com. Thanks to the Sportsmen’s Club for having the show flyers printed for us free of charge. Also thank you to Four Seasons Beer Distributors for designing and printing the posters. It’s always a great day for vintage so come join the fun!

The club is looking for business places and members who would like to be “SHOW SPONSORS”. A sponsorship is $30. Contact Patti at vintagepats@yahoo.com regarding sponsorships and prizes. Messages or comments can be sent on our Face Book page under the show event. If you would like to donate items for the BUCKET RAFFLES, that also would be greatly appreciated!

It’s time to renew our club & AWSC dues and register our sleds. I’ve included a membership form which you can complete and return with your payment. Or you can log onto the web site (www.newlowbuckvintageriders.com) and at the top of the home page, click on “Documents” then click on “Membership”. There you can print off the form or use the Pay Pal option for your dues. I will update memberships with the AWSC twice weekly. When listed as current with the AWSC, you’ll be eligible to purchase the discounted trail pass for your “super sleds”. Renewals are immediate, new memberships take a day or 2 for the AWSC to process. I’ll send you an email to let you know when you’re current for the 24-25 season. Remember your AWSC number stays the same every year. You can log onto www.awsc.org any time and easily check your membership status and print your current membership card if you wish. The NEW LBVR’s is a 100% AWSC club and your primary membership qualifies you for the discounted trail pass. Primary dues are just $20 and secondary memberships are only $8. ***NOTE: Just as a reminder, trail passes are NOT required on sleds 35 years and older. There is a separate antique/vintage registration program available directly through the DNR on their Go Wild web site. You will receive a separate type of registration that you will need to display on your vintage sleds. The initial cost of the antique/vintage registration is $20 and that’s good for 3 years. After that, your antique/vintage registration renewals will cost just $5 for 3 years. It’s low buck for vintage sledders!

Rides and Events are being planned and we have the dates for a couple of them with more information to follow. If any members would like to setup a ride or you have a suggestion for a club event, let us know!

Dates are subject to change and are dependent upon weather & trail conditions.  Updates will be posted on the club’s Face Book page.

 SICK DAY 100:                     Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Contact Jeff, 715-927-5160 or jschwaller50@gmail.com. Ride will leave from and return to the Ranger City Riders Clubhouse in Amberg. More info TBA

HOT DOG RIDE:                   Saturday, February 15, 2025. Contact Pat, 715-324-6020. Ride details TBA.

CROOKED CLASSIC CRUISE: Friday February 28, 2025 (Tentative date). Contact Ryan, 262-227-4252

Watch the Face Book page for all show related updates and information about vintage events near & far. Any questions, give us a call or email vintagepats@yahoo.com